Wedding memories from Hard Rock Riviera Maya

Wedding memories will forever stay with you and that is one of the reasons why many decades ago photography was invented – to save those escaping moments. I think that many of you will agree with me if I say that while having vacations far away from the native city we always make more photos than usual, especially if this journey to far away is a beautiful land located somewhere on the coastline of the sea and under the sun, for example the Riviera Maya.

One sunny day I met with a beautiful couple Olga and Gleb in order to make a photo session. They were staying in the Hard Rock Resort, Riviera Maya, we made a photo session at the resort and Olga decided to call it “Our wedding memories from Riviera Maya”. Despite the unusual design of the beach territory all the photographs appeared to be very beautiful and romantic, even the unexpected clouds didn’t ruin the photosession process, on the contrary, we were able to make some amazing photos in front of the rainbow.

One of the reasons why I like the weather in the Riviera Maya is because of the short periods of rain. They may last only 10-15 minutes and then the sky is blue again, that is how it happened on that day. After the rain stooped and the sky was clear with no clouds we made some marvelous photos with the sunset. It’s the top ideal for all romantic photographs.

While I was writing the article, I remembered one popular quote by Vivian Green: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain”. It was about us on that day. Despite the sudden rain, that could have ruined the photo session, we still stayed positive and were having fun making photos.

It was a pleasure to meet this lovely couple and to save their wedding memories from their honeymoon vacation.

More photos from this session you can see following this link.

hard rock riviera maya photographer

wedding photo shoot hard rock riviera

sunset hard rock riviera maya

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