Kids just want to have fun

Every family photo session for me is one more proof that: “Family is where life begins and LOVE never ends!” Love! Pure, sincere and eternal! And the moment that a family spend together is worth everything!

Kids are the heart of every family. They make it stronger, happier and full. Kids also make every family photo session more joyful and fill it with an incomparable laughter and smile, expressing their happy emotions the most unique way. But they don’t like to pose, kids just want to have fun, especially on a vacation near the sea. It’s pretty much impossible to make them hold their attention and focus on the camera and that funny lady behind it, for more than two minutes. And that refers even more to the little kids. So what is the way out of this tricky situation? Let them have fun and in a special photo-spy mode capture that special moments when they are having a blast. As a result you get great genuine photos like on this video.

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