WOW! That is a paradise! Akumal

The moment I made my first steps on the Akumal beach my inner voice shouted loud: “WOW! That is a paradise!” Maybe these words might seem a little over exaggerated , but it sounded very appropriate in that moment.

Comparing Akumal beach to Cancun beaches the first obvious distinction that you notice is the calm sea and the absence of waves. The main reason why it is like that is due to its location in the bay. So don’t get confused if you will be searching for Akumal beach and will find information about Akumal Bay. From different points of view Akumal bay looks like a big natural swimming pool.

Numerous little boats partly standing in the bay with several going in and out, people snorkeling along the coast, pelicans flying around or sitting on the surface or boats secretly looking for a fish, these is just a little sneak peak on what you can see standing on the Akumal beach.

The main reason why Akumal is so popular is because of the turtles that inhabit this area, due to this fact snorkeling with turtles is the number one entertainment in Akumal. To tell the truth on my first visit to this wonderful site I was filling scared of swimming, although I consider myself a good swimmer. I have never seen turtles in my life and I just didn’t know what to expect during the snorkeling, And in reality when I met face to face with the first turtle I realized my fear was baseless. They are absolutely adorable! Now Akumal beach is one of my favorite places to swim. By the way it also has many unique spots for a photo sessions.

TIP: If you are planning to spend several hours on the beach in Akumal and would like to feel more convenient, having more free space around you, then I recommend you to walk 2-3 minutes to the right of the main entrance where the beach is always less crowded.

akumal las casitas

akumal bay

akumal beach photo

akumal beach

akumal las casitas

akumal mexico beach

akumal beach area

akumal las casitas
akumal beach view

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